Activities & Attractions
Pigskins & Pins

Check out our combination of football and bowling!
Pigskins and pins is an exciting and competitive game, combining these two fan favorites. Throw the football at the pins, knock'em down, and you win! Sounds easy right? Well you may find that it’s a little harder than you think so come out and give it a try.
Two teams consisting of two players throw a football at their opponent’s bowling pins
Players for each team alternate throws
Play continues, until one team has knocked down all ten pins
If the first team to throw knocks down all of their opponent’s pins first, their opponent will get a rebuttal throw to make the number of throws equal
If they succeed in knocking down their opponent’s remaining pins with this throw, the frame is considered a tie and overtime begins
Overtime is a sudden death, single pin knockdown and each team can place their opponents pin on any designated circle point- NO REBUTTAL IN OVERTIME
Pigskins & Pins is available for drop-in, as an add-on activity for events/parties, and for off-site rental.