Personal, Team & Specialty Training
Personal Training
Each client will start with an orientation before training to assess goals and overall fitness. Client will receive personalized program to accommodate individual needs, trackable progress, and evaluations throughout your program documenting your progress.
One hour personal training sessions $60 per hour
Personal Training sessions are scheduled by appointment only.
Reserve your spot immediately.
Call 734-744-5636 or email info@athletikasports.com

Team Training
Team training is the best value we have for training athletes. Our trainers design every workout specifically for your sport and team. Sessions are 60 minutes long. The primary emphasis is on speed work and footwork including a focus on strength training and conditioning.
One hour Team Training sessions $150 per hour
Team Training sessions are scheduled by appointment only.
Reserve your spot immediately.
Call 734-744-5636 or email info@athletikasports.com
Specialty Training
Our training staff is educated, knowledgeable, and capable of writing unique programs to improve individual athletes, teams, and provide the most unique and innovative sports performance opportunities.
Share your goals and expected outcomes and we’ll design the training programs for you to achieve them.
Specialty Training sessions include customized pricing per program